Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

A beautiful tourist spot on the island of Bintan Indonesia

A beautifultourist spot on the island of Bintan Indonesia

Bintan is the largest island in the Riau islands extending from Malacca to the South China Sea and has approximately 3,000 large and small islands, stretches across Singapore and Johor Baru, Malaysia. Bintan fairly strategic location because it is located on the southern peninsula of Malaysia at the mouth of the waterway and its history is a favorite stopover for merchant ships India and China for shelter from the storm and provisions.

A beautiful tourist spot on the island of Bintan Indonesia

A beautiful tourist spot on the island of Bintan Indonesia

The top tourist destinations here is the Bintan Resort, a tourist destination in the form of a spectacular beach in the north of the island with an area of ​​23,000 hectares on the white sand overlooking the South China Sea. The island also has a fascinating history trail in Tanjung Pinang and Biting. There is also the location for surfing, ecotourism and various international events.

Meanwhile, for those who love diving Anambas in the South China Sea offers unspoiled dive sites, reachable from the airport Tanjung Pinang. Whereas, the Natuna islands reachable from Batam.

No wonder again, in the 18th century, merchants from Europe, Portuguese, Dutch and British mutual fight for the island. At that time, the island is part of the Malay Peninsula controlled by the Johor-Riau Sultanate, which occupied alternated between Johor (was in Malaysia today) and Bintan Island (located in Indonesia today).

In 1884 the British and the Dutch closed their disagreement on this island by signing the Treaty of London, which then all territories territories north of Singapore given to the British, while territories south of Singapore territories handed over to the Netherlands.

Since then the fate and history of the area north and south of Singapore separated. Singapore became the center of British trade development, while the Dutch concentrated in Jakarta and Java, left the Bintan islands.

In a few decades, with the friendly relations between Indonesia and Singapore, an agreement signed between the two sides to build Bintan islands together that will benefit both countries in the Free Trade Zone of Batam, Bintan and Batam Island.

The first form of this agreement is the development of Bintan Resort, a tourist destination beach, covering an area of
​​23,000 hectares on the beautiful white sand Bintan overlooking the South China Sea.

Culinary, Shopping, Accommodation, Events

Seafood is a mainstay in the Riau Islands. Fresh and reasonably priced seafood served in an ancient stage, which is called Kelong - overlooking the sea, in roadside stalls or in the restaurant. Try a delicious spicy crab, steamed fish, or shrimp drunk. The specialty of Bintan is "Gong Gong" or pearl conch (Strombus Canarium) which can be found just around the islands of Bintan and Batam.

Wet markets are usually filled with people who are worth a visit. Offer valid practically for all seafood, especially fresh.