Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Wayag in Raja Ampat Towards a World Geopark Recognition

Wayag Islands are located in the district of West Waigeo, Raja Ampat, West Papua Province is a series of small islands are paraded beautifully. Raja Ampat her icon is being pursued to continue to be preserved and protected from damage, one of the efforts made Raja Ampat Tourism Office proposed this as a region with karst geopark sea. The process is now in the stage of proposing to the Ministry of Tourism.

Geopark itself is a region that is considered to have scientific value as well have a rare beauty in an area with unique geological structure. The uniqueness can be a component of rocks, fossils, minerals, landforms, and the process of its formation. Today, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has protected tens geopark assets in 25 countries worldwide.

Head of Tourism Raja Ampat Yusdi Lamatenggo, said that it started trying to make Wayag as a geopark since last year. So far the Raja Ampat District Government has made a number of preparatory steps, ranging from surveys, comparative studies, to disseminate to the public.

Yusdi also added that the proposed Wayag into regional geology geopark as very unique. Even after a comparative study to Langkawi, Malaysia, about geopark region, it is known that Wayag have a contour that is more unique and more beautiful ".


If Wayag managed to become geopark then the region will be protected. This includes controlling and setting the tourists who come and go Wayag region. Looking ahead to get into the area of ​​Raja Ampat then the tourists have to buy a pin which applies a year. Prices for local tourists pin is $ 25 - for foreign tourists and $ 50, -.

In addition, the Raja Ampat Regency will also make it easier to organize Wayag tourists explored. It is for example by creating a path to facilitate the tourists to the top of the hill Wayag. Previous level of steepness of the hill is almost 90 degrees so it needs to be made a special track safer.

Raja Ampat Regency Government will also make it easier to organize Wayag tourists explored. It is for example by creating a path to facilitate the tourists to the top of the hill Wayag. Previous level of steepness of the hill is almost 90 degrees so it needs to be made a special track safer.

Wayag regional conservation efforts and pity in Raja Ampat also involve the local communities that would be a maximum of keeping this beautiful place. There are also regular patrols along the 10-mile waters of the NGO. They keep an eye on this area of
​​the act of the illegal fishermen who hunt sharks, manta rays and sea cucumbers to be sold at high prices in the market. Alone shark populations in Indonesia are many and varied, but continued to decline due to rampant poaching by illegal fishers. The uniqueness and beauty Wayag besides valuable as a tourist destination is also interpreted as a conservation and protection. The hope in the future of a geopark geological heritage that can be passed down to the next generation.

You who want to visit the islands Wayag through shoves it can use a fast boat or ship regular pioneer lasted 2-4 hours to Waisai. The boat fare is $ 15, - per person. Next of Waisai, the trip can be continued by renting a boat with a rate of about $ 500 to $ 600 per day. It is certain that transportation is a challenge when you want mobility in the waters of Raja Ampat Islands. A trip that takes time and costs somewhat large. However, even then traveled to this place remains incomparable with satisfaction that on receipt