Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesia

Travel Publications, One Maritime CharmingDestinations in Indonesia

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesia
Publications tourist destination is one of the popular tourist destinations Jepara, both in the domestic to the audience traveling from abroad.

Karimun Islands which consists of 27 small islands offers you an enchanting beauty of nautical tourism with a number of activities that lure.

Administratively, tourist areas Publications is part of the district of Jepara in Central Java, is about 83 km in the northwest of the town of Jepara. Currently, Publications has been a protected marine sanctuary in Indonesia and popularly referred to as the Karimunjawa National Park.

Karimujawa name given by Sheikh Amir Hasan who is the son of Sunan Muria and is also a student of Sunan Kudus. Because rogue, son and pupil of the propagator of Islam in Java was then thrown to the islands which if seen from a distance only kerimun-kerimun (in the Java language, meaning vague). This is why these islands later named as Karimunjawa.

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesia

Of the whole island in Karimunjawa, there are five inhabited islands, while the rest are empty. Publications tourist areas have as many as 90 types of coral reefs, more than 240 species of fish, aquatic and 133 genera. In total, karimunjawa has an area of ​​107,225 ha.

Not only marine animals, some land animals you will encounter, such as monkeys, deer, turtles, birds, and others. This is due to the topography of the area is not only dominated by the beach alone, but also the mangrove forest and coastal forest.

Interesting activities Travel Publications

There are many exciting tourist activities that you can enjoy in Karimun. Really, you need a few days to be able to satisfy themselves by exploring various charms that were there.

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesia
If you have not a lot of vacation time, some of the following activities when you should try to travel Karimunjawa Jepara.

1. Swim with Sharks

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in IndonesiaPublications tourist area offers you a sensational experience to swim and play with sharks. Is the blacktip reef shark, shark which likes the sandy shallow waters that you can encounter when swimming or snorkeling at Menjangan Island?

This shark species truly benign and do not attack humans. The size of its body length is only about 1.6 meters. You do not need to be afraid. But if the worry you still undiminished, try to feel the sensation of swimming with sharks smaller in breeding.

2. snorkeling

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesiayou will never run out of spots to snorkel when it comes to these islands. There are many interesting snorkeling spots are scattered in various parts of the tourist sites Karimun.

Favorite spots for snorkeling, among others, on the island of Big Menjangan, Small Menjangan Island, Middle Island, Cape Coast Gelam, and Large Fir Island. All of them have the same view, white sandy beaches with turquoise sea water clear.

If you want to find a view of the coral reefs and gorgeous ornamental fish, the most numerous in the Small Menjangan Island. But because of the shallow depth of the sea, often tourists who do snorkeling there to touch the rocks that exist in the location. It is feared, this would interfere with the survival of coral reefs.

3. Main to the "Gosong"

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesia 
It is not synonymous with burning charred. Hirst is a term used to describe a sandy land protruding into the sea when the water was receding in the morning. When late morning, charred itself will disappear.

The tourist area karimunjawa, you will very easily find many charred. But the most favorite is charred Charred fir which is located east of Pine Island Gede. Hirst spot also allows you to be snorkel enjoy a beautiful view of the coral reef, or if lucky you will see turtles and other exciting marine life.

4. Diving on the wreck of Shipwrecks

Vacation to the Caribbean island of Java dubbed this would not be complete if you do not try diving activities in the marine depths. Will not be in vain if you prepare your diving license to explore deeper underwater paradise Publications are really fascinating.

In Karimun, you will find an amazing diving experience near the carcasses shipwreck. Spot shipwrecks is not just one, but numerous. Call it like Coral Ship, Shipwreck Pinisi, Shipwreck Indoor, as well as the most famous is the Shipwreck Biblis which has a propeller of bronze decorated with some beautiful soft coral.

5. Floating Lodge

Travel Publications, One Maritime Charming Destinations in Indonesia 
it is an unusual experience. You can relax while staying at the floats.
The tourist areas Publications, you can try staying in Kura-Kura Resort or Floating Pensions to feel the sensation of staying in the middle of the ocean.

Travel to the Publications

Popular ways towards karimunjawa is by sea. By ship Maritime Express, you will reach karimunjawa in about 2 hours from the Port of Jepara Kartini. If you choose to use a fast motor boat Kartini, you will arrive within 4 hours. Meanwhile, using motor boats Muria require travel time up to 6 hours to reach the port of Karimun.

However, you can also take advantage of air transport to reach the location Karimun. From Ahmad Yani Airport, you can book a flight ticket from airline Wings Air, Merpati Airlines, or Sky Aviation. Furthermore, you will arrive at the airport located on the island Dewandaru Kemujan, Karimun.

From there, you then just up the boat to go to the islands of Karimunjawa travel more.


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