Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

10 Unique and Strange Places in the World

10 Unique and Strange Places in the World
10 Unique and Strange Places in the World - yoshiwafa - Like with unique things and strange? a lot of uniqueness in this world that is created naturally or deliberately created by man as a strange car and so forth. For you who like a vacation to places that are unique and strange, yoshiwafa article will discuss about some strange tourist sites located throughout the world.It is unique and strange and mysterious certainly much favored by fans, including me, like life is full of mystery, what we had planned and we expect sometimes does not correspond to reality and is still a mystery.Approximately anywhere yes tourist sites unique and strange in this world? The following review:1. The Sedlec Ossuary is located in the Republic of Chechnya

10 Unique and Strange Places in the World \

The tourists who come and go into the chapel Sedlec Ossuary in Kutna Hora, Czech Chechnya, will be made amazed because here you can see the unusual ornaments. Of course, because this chapel contains tens of thousands of human bones. That's why Sedlec Ossuary is also commonly called by the name Church of Bones. These bones you can see from the ceiling to the walls. Bones and human skulls were used as decoration in the chapel. Not only that, there is also a human skeleton are arranged neatly to be shaped lamp.2. The Karni Mata Temple is located in India
10 Unique and Strange Places in the World 

The Karni Mata Temple is located at Bikaner, India not only be a place of worship, but also a "home" for the tens of thousands of rats. Once you step, will immediately be able to see rats everywhere as far as the eye can see. Doorknobs, under the table, on the sidelines of ventilation, and wherever you see the room certainly there is a rat. Not because slovenly, but these mice there because it is maintained by the people who worship at the temple. Board shrines and pilgrims also very fond of rats in the temple. They are also included in the class of sacred and called Kabbas.3. Yunessun Spa Resort is located in Japan
10 Unique and Strange Places in the World 
Yunessun Spa Resort is located in Japan and offers a very different holiday sensation at all. The resort in Hakone, Japan has set up a pool to soak unique. If like ordinary plunge pools containing only ordinary water, the pool at Spa Resort Yunessun tea contains water, wine and coffee. A sense of relaxation and calm can be obtained by tourists who visit and has been soaking there. But remember, the water should not be drunk, yes!4. Carhenge is located in the USA
10 Unique and Strange Places in the World 
Unique destinations and other strange in this world is like Carhenge in Nebraska, USA. As the name implies, this destination is very much like Stonehenge in England. It's just that this building is a composition of a car is not a stone. Not only shaped like Stonehenge, Carhenge monument also has a car with a very bereneka diverse forms. Here there are classic saloon cars that have been painted with pastel colors like yellow, pink, light green and light blue. The cars that were here was also placed upright position.5. The hallway Gum located in California, USA

10 Unique and Strange Places in the World 
Disgusting! Maybe this is the first impression you'll feel so already arrived at Bubblegum Alley, who is in San Luis Obispo, California, USA. As the name implies, chewing gum is indeed filled alley. On top of a wall in the alley as high as 4.6 meters and with a length of 21 meters, there is a lot of patches gum. Oddly enough, though disgusting, this is still just a tourist destination visited by tourists continue. Until now no one knows for sure the beginning and the intent of the traditions put gum in this wall.

6. Isla de las Munecas residing in Mexico

10 Unique and Strange Places in the WorldIsla de las Munecas location in Mexico, a place that contains hundreds of old dolls hanging from the trees. Dolls accidentally hanged to remember the girl who died here. During the day, hundreds of dolls that can be a pretty good sight, but at night time of course will turn into a scary scenery.7. Hair Museum Avanos is located in Turkey
10 Unique and Strange Places in the WorldHair Museum Avanos is in Turkey, and perhaps this is one of the strangest museums in the world. The museum is deliberately created in a dark cave and contains more than 16,000 pieces of human hair. The museum is open since 1979, and the museum is also included in the Guinness world records book.8. The Capuchin Catacombs located in Palermo, Italy
10 Unique and Strange Places in the WorldCapuchin catacombs are in Palermo, Italy, and contains approximately 8,000 fully clothed corpse hung along the walls of the cemetery. Until now, the tourists can stroll through the rows of bodies. You dare to try?9. Sewer Museum in Paris, France

10 Unique and Strange Places in the WorldFrance is prepared to proclaim and explore the importance of the sewer system of underground water. History buffs will certainly really enjoy the experience that much different, but make little balls you are certainly going to feel fear.

10. Inveraray Jail is located in Scotland

10 Unique and Strange Places in the WorldGo to jail, it seems no one wants. But in Scotland, a unique and whimsical tour made for the tourists who want to experience how to live in a place that was once the most fearsome prison in Scotland, namely Inveraray Jail. Being here, the tourists will be invited to feel how life in behind bars. You can also see what kind of hideous torture room. Not only that, the ghost hunting tours are also offered for tourists who dare. Want to try?Now that's unique and bizarre tourist destinations that can be found around the world are filled with this miteri, hopefully can add insight and knowledge.editor: http://worldtourism1000.blogspot.comimage: Google
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