Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java Indonesia

5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java Indonesia
5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java IndonesiaDieng is one of the most alluring natural charm in Wonosobo, Central Java. Located 30 km from the city center Wonosobo, located on the border between Banjarnegara and Wonosobo district, tourist attractions Dieng referred to also as the funeral of the gods.Dieng name is derived from Sanskrit, is "On", which means a high and "Hyang" which means the place of the gods.Local people call the tourist attractions in Wonosobo most famous as a region that is so beautiful with the characteristics of strong spiritual atmosphere.In the tourist area of ​​Dieng, there are many ancient temples and small, all of them lies in the highlands of the volcano. The temples are patterned Hindu, has a unique architecture and beautiful.Dieng plateau lies in the altitude of 2093 m above sea level, making it have the air is so cool with a thick blanket of fog that covered it. The average temperature in this place is 15-20 Celsius. Amazing beautiful panorama that makes Dieng Plateau is believed in some quarters as a funeral deities.Travel charm in Wonosobo DiengDieng Plateau has a number of charming tourist charm, there are many interesting objects that you can enjoy there. However, in between all of that, here are some of the most alluring Dieng travel landmark that you should know.

Arjuna temple on Dieng Plateau
5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java Indonesia
The Dieng Plateau, Hindu temples scattered there named after the characters in the famous epic Mahabharata. There Bima, Arjuna, Gatot Kaca, Heroine, and so on.Adopt temple architecture art building temples in India. It can be seen from the statues that adorn the side of the temple, including Mahakala, Nandi Swara, Mahesasura Mardini Durga, Ganesha, and Agastya. Two buildings of the temple which can be compared is similar to Arjuna temple Bhintargaon temple in India as well as the temple Semar similar to Parasurameswara Temple (India) to form Mandapa.

Sikunir hills Dieng

5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java Indonesia
The beauty of this hill sunrise (sunrise) most alluring you can encounter in the tourist area of ​​Dieng. Sikunir hill at an altitude of 2,200 m above sea level, is located in the south region Dieng, administratively located in the village of Sembungan, a village located at the highest level throughout the island of Java.Charm orange color of the rising sun in this region so beautiful looks. The orange color like the color of turmeric that makes local people gave the name of the hill with Sikunir, derived from turmeric ie Java language, which means saffron.
Telaga Warna Dieng

5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java Indonesia
In the tourist area of ​​Dieng, there is a lake that presenting beautiful natural phenomenon, namely the changing colors of the water of the lake. Here Telaga Warna Dieng, a landmark lure that you can encounter in Wonosobo regency. You can along the shore of this lake, there is also a small balcony as a place to sit back and relax to enjoy the natural beauty that is there.If you are interested in watching the beauty of Lake Colors Dieng as a whole, you can climb to the top of a hill bordering the lake. At that height, you will see the beauty of the lake with a colorful is so enchanting, with alluring shades.The water in this lake is sometimes colored green and yellow or colorful like a rainbow. This happens because the water contained in the sulfur content is high enough so that when the sun about it, then color colorful lake water appears. In the middle of this lake, you can see the burst of boiling water as it exists in Kawah Putih Bandung Ciwidey.

Dieng tadpole pond

5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java IndonesiaThis is the lake in the clouds, a lake at an altitude of 2,300 m above sea level, is located in the village of Sembungan. Tadpole pond is beautiful natural harmony that you can encounter in the tourist area in Wonosobo Dieng. You can even camping in the area of ​​this lake.The color of the blue sky blends with the green of the hills that bounced on the surface of the lake is calm and clear. In this place, you will feel the natural beauty is so captivating and invigorating mountain air. Boat ride around the lake and this is the best way to experience the natural charm owned lake above the clouds. Ever imagined by boating on the mountain?The water in this lake does not mix with sulfur, and therefore the color is clear and clean. Has a depth of 2-4 meters, you can even fishing at the lake this tadpole. In general, the audience coming trip to the tourist area of ​​Dieng in advance to enjoy the sunrise at Mount Sikunir Dieng before stopping to Telaga tadpole.

Wells Jalatunda
5 Most Charming Landmark Travel Wonosobo Dieng in East Java Indonesia
Located in the most western direction Dieng tourist area, is located precisely at the Tourism Village Pekasiran, Jalatunda wells have several versions of the origin of the story well. According to scientific assumptions, the well is solid green about 90 meters in diameter this is a crater formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. While, there is a myth that says that long ago there was a beautiful princess who likes to wear all-white, but behave evil. This beautiful daughter often asks victimizing the surrounding communities to be sacrificed and drowned in the well.To be able to reach this well, you have to climb 257 stairs. When I got to the last step, you will see a pile of pebbles that lie repose sack of rice. According to local belief, they were able to throw pebbles into the well as far as a certain distance will get lucky and come true intentions and desires. This is because the gravel in place adds to the uniqueness and become an attraction for tourists to visit.However, the stones used to throw stones fortune is to be purchased from the kids Dieng at the well location, which is gravel bottomed sacks rudimentary at the end of the stairs. You only have to pay 50 thousand dollars for the equivalent of 50 gravel it.source initempatwisata

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