Minggu, 06 September 2015

5 Places Indonesia As cool Overseas Travel

5 Places Indonesia super beautiful and cool as Foreign Travel

 Want to see the beauty of the pink sandy beaches like in Harbour Island, sailing in between a cluster of green islands, or to see the wide staircase pyramid Chichen Itza in Mexico ?. Did not have far to travel to foreign countries. Turns Indonesia also has sights were similar and no less beautiful than the tourist spots of the international standard.

1. Raja Ampat, Papua

Right image above is Rock Island, a group of islands surrounded by the lush bright blue sea in Palau, our neighboring country. Islands in the Pacific Ocean is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the image on the left is guugusan island in Raja Ampat, Papua, which is located adjacent to Rock Island indeed. No less beautiful, is not it ?. Just as Rock Island, sea Raja Ampat also store a variety of underwater beauty in the form of marine flora and fauna is amazing.
2. Sukuh, Central Java

Sukuh is one of the relics of the temple complex of Hindu-Buddha located at the foot of Mount Lawu, precisely in the Village area Berjo, District Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Central Java. This temple was founded in 1437 by the Hindu community Tantrayana. The temple architecture is quite unique because it does not resemble the style of Hindu temples in other areas in Indonesia. The main building in the temple complex has a similar structure punden, similar to a pyramid of Chichen Itza in Mexico.
3. pink sandy beach Komodo Island

Photo on the left is the beach on the island of Komodo. The sand has an unusual color, which is pink. At first glance this looks like a beach shore Harbour Island in the Bahamas. But of course not only the pink sand beaches of the strengths of Komodo Island. Because the new island has been named as one of the wonders of the world is also home to a very rare species of dragons and can not be found elsewhere.
4. Sand dunes Parangkusumo, DIY Yogyakarta

The second photo above is a picture of Sand dunes in the Sahara Desert and Parangkusumo. Both seem indistinguishable and equally amazing, is not it ?. Parangkusumo sand dunes, which are on the south coast of Yogyakarta was smaller than the Sahara desert. Sandbanks but this is an unusual natural phenomenon, since it was formed in the middle of the tropical area as Indonesia, instead of wide arid areas of Africa and the Middle East. According to the site Travel and Tourism of Indonesia, such natural phenomena only found in 4 countries in the world. And in Southeast Asia itself only Parangkusumo sand dunes.

5. Peak Jayawijaya, Papua

Jayawijaya mountains (pictured left) is the name of the mountain range stretching from the province of Papua to Papua New Guinea. This mountainous store is unique, because despite being in the tropics peak which is also known as the Carstensz Pyramid is always covered with snow. At first glance it looks like a mountain Mount Everest which is part of the Himalayas. Puncak Jaya and Mount Everest are both part of the 7 Summits, the highest mountain peak 7 in 7 countries.