Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Interesting and beautiful places in the Park

Interestingand beautiful places in the Park

Paradise Bay is the largest national park in Indonesian waters. In this area the wealth of marine life remain extremely impressive. TNTC has become representative of coral reefs, beaches, mangroves and tropical forests in Papua. This is a place that can be a compelling reason to extend your tour schedule while in West Papua or Papua

Paradise Bay became a haven for many plant and animal life both on land especially under water. Then the most anticipated is the encounter and interaction with the giant submarine, the friendly whale sharks. However, the encounter with the largest fish on earth was so very tempting and a dream for divers. Sightings at Paradise Bay are a great invention in this decade.

  Interesting and beautiful places in the Park

Cendrawasih Bay National Park is a bay that is surrounded by several islands, among which is the island of Biak, Yapen island, and the mainland of New Guinea. Administratively the region is in two districts, namely Wondama Bay, West Papua Province, and Nabire, Papua province. The location is at the edge of the Pacific Ocean and is an area of ​​continental plates making the very rich flora and fauna. This national park has 14 species of protected flora and largely dominated by casuarina trees.

Interesting and beautiful places in the Park

If you think that Raja Ampat is the richest in Teluk Cendrawasih then awaits a more diverse landscape with its main allure direct view whale sharks. This area covers 18 islands with a coastline of approximately 500 kilometers. The entire marine reserve areas a habitat for many species of birds and marine animals, such as giant clams, turtles, sharks, turtles, dolphins, and dugongs.

Cendrawasih Bay National Park was established in 1993 with an area of ​​approximately 1,453,500 hectares stretching from the eastern peninsula Kwatisore up Rumberpon Island. TNTC region covers an area of ​​approximately 89.8% with a sea of ​​coral reefs approximately 5.5%, mainland islands approximately 3.8%, as well as inland and coastal beaches only approximately 0.9%. You do not have to roam all to enjoy the beauty of Paradise Bay but just needs to come to him only a few places in them are: Yoop Island, Island Nusrowi, Mioswaar Island, numfor and Rumberpon Island.

Interesting and beautiful places in the Park

Is very impressive what lies under the sea where the percentage of coral life reaches 65.64% or if the totalized takes up an area of ​​70,000 hectares. Here dwells approximately 36 species of birds, 196 species of molluscs, 209 species of fish, as well as whales and dolphins. This area is also home to four species of sea turtles are protected, the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivaceae), and the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).

Cendrawasih Bay waters is the largest marine protected area in Indonesia as well as a research center of the whale shark or whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the world with the cooperation between the government, private sector, civil society, universities and NGOs inside and outside the country. Observations of whale sharks in Kwatisore have been used as study sites. Here the whale sharks often come to the surface and used to interact with the fishermen. They generally appear around the chart (floating homes where to catch fish) which are found along the waters Kwatisore.

Cendrawasih Bay National Park has become a haven for lovers of nautical tourism and international underwater. In addition, this area also has a cruising tourist cave in the island Mioswaar, and a source of hot water containing sulfur. In this cave also contained the framework of tribal ancestors Wandau very guarded existence and is believed to be the first man who came to this island. It is also contained in numfor where there are human skulls and chests carved antique plates and a very high historical and cultural value.

Accommodation, Activities
In Cendrawasih Bay National Park area hotels and inns are not yet available. Generally dive diving operators providing services to stay on the boat or live-aboard for 4-10 days. All daily needs are available here, ranging from bed, food, fresh water, diving equipment and guides, and others. Package dives like this is more expensive than other generic option but an absolute live-aboard once that can take you visited and explore the small islands scattered one by one in TNTC. However, if you intend to spend the night, it can be settled in the cottage in district BTNTC Rumberpon to reach him first. Another option is you live in homes with hired. There is also Ahe Resort managed strangers by offering a package for one week (US $ 1,120) has included transfers, guides, and meals. This place is ideal for your professional divers and adventurers. Visit his website:

Cendrawasih Bay National Park on the map

the best time to visit the largest national park in Indonesia is May to October although the whale shark is always there throughout the year. You must obtain permission from the manager or the local government. However for safety and visitor data. For further information please contact the following.

Cendrawasih Bay National Park office
Trikora road Wosi Rendani, Post Office Box 229
98312 Manokwari, West Papua
Tel. (0986) 212212;
Fax. (0986) 212437

After all traveling by way of a live-aboard is the most logical to explore the many diving spots at once in TNTC inaccessible, scattered, and far from the mainland. Choose the right provider for your needs. Note the instructions dive operator while diving in TNTC, it is also important to notice discipline while diving time, rest time, and a warning not to touch the whale sharks even though they are so docile and friendly.

Dive Operator Listing in Teluk Cendrawasih

Grand Komodo and Dive Paradise Indonesia
Tel. +62 361 842 7070; 361 808 5858
Fax. +62,361,271,536

Pearl of Papua
Tel. +62 81201045622; 85782261760
It can be said this boat is very comfortable with the service of a luxury bathroom, culinary delicacies, to spa services and massage with a portable table. Have 7 cabins for 14 people and the adventure of diving in the waters of Papua as Raja Ampat, Misool, and Cendrawasih Bay.

Papua Diving
KRI KRI Eco Resort on Island
Tel. +62,951,325,274

To come to the Cendrawasih Bay National Park, you who come from the western part of Indonesia, it can utilize and Lion Garuda flight from Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar to get to Biak. Next Biak using Susi Air aircraft, or Nabire to Manokwari. There are also of course from Jayapura to Biak.

You are coming from Jakarta can take advantage of flight with Batavia to Manokwari to further continue the journey by motor boat as far as 95 km.

Alternatively you enter through Nabire to then continue the journey to Paradise Bay Marine National Park motor boat as far as 38 km or approximately 3 hours.

From Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar and Jayapura available transport ships, or Nabire to Manokwari. From there you can use a longboat with a time of approximately 6 hours to be exact Cendrawasih Bay National Park on the island of Rumberpon. Other selections from Manokwari to Ransiki by vehicle approximately three hours followed by motorboat about 2.5 hours. There is also the pioneer ship PELNI usual stop in this national park but only once a month.