Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

7 Travel Unique in the World

7 Travel Unique in the World 
LOT unique place we know only through a fairy tale or movie, even though the correct places in the world you know. Here in between. 

Crocosaurus Cove in Australia

7 Travel Unique in the World
For those of you who like adrenaline, can try the challenge of swimming with crocodiles in Darwin, Northern Australia. Yes. area called Crocosaurus Cove is a pool that contains estuarine crocodiles. Visitors will enter into a cage called cage of death. Then, put in a pool of crocodiles. After that, the crocodilesat 5 meters going over the cage of death. Well, then, the officers will be prepared to take a photo of the pond to capture the moments tense. Terrible yes. The death enclosure operates ten times a day. If not brave enough to dive and meet the crocodiles alone, you can dive both with friends or family. Interested? 

Planet Mars in the Dry Valleys
7 Travel Unique in the World
 Antarctic Dry Valleys are located in mainland Victoria, west of McMurdo Sound. Interestingly, despite being in the Antarctic, but this land was never descend snow and become one part in the Antarctic region that is not covered with ice. Basic valleys in the form of frozen ice and the ice is very thick base. However, on the surface looks barren. Moreover, unlike other ice, land ice is also said to taste very salty. 

Beautiful islands in Iran

7 Travel Unique in the World

Kish Island is the name of the island which has a special beach for the women. The men could not peek let alone enter this beach because heavily guarded by female guards. In addition, visitors are also prohibited from carrying any kind of camera, be it a professional camera and camera phones. Rules on the beach is indeed very tight.The reason, only here the women are allowed take off the veil even bikinis in the open. 

Swimming Hell in Japan
7 Travel Unique in the World

 In Beppu, Japan, there is a pond with red colored water with extremely hot temperatures. Red color comes from the high iron content of the element. In the area there are 2,800 Beppu hot springs flowing every day. Japanese society and international travelers can enjoy a steam bath in the pond. However, should not swim or bathe, the articleThe pool temperature reached 78 degrees Celsius. No wonder the place is dubbed as hell or an jigoku by Japanese society. 

Dwarf kingdom in China
 In China, we could see right royal dwarf, known as the Dwarf Empire. Being on the hill Xishan, suburb of Kunming, Yunnan. There are 100 mini-bodied people alike dwarf height under 1.3 meters and complete with mushroom houses. Uniquely, everything was there made mini-sized. Until now, every two times a day, visitors can enjoy performances displayed by the citizens of the dwarf. They dance, sing, and greet tourists as well as using kostum-costumes such as fairies, emperor, daughter, and so on to entertain the tourists who come.

Ice Caves in Austria

7 Travel Unique in the World
 Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves are situated ice cave in Austria. Although this cave has an area of ​​42 kilometers, only 1 kilometer first course is open to the public. Within a year, the cave is only opened every May 1 until October 26, when the temperature is very cold there. Eisriesenwelt derived from frozen snow during the summer. This cave was discovered by Anton Posselt, a natural scientist from Salzburg. In 1878 the public trustthat the cave is the hallway to hell, but Posselt managed to find a cave and then followed findings by scientists and other explorers. 

Ghost Town in the UK 

7 Travel Unique in the World

Happy with it mystical? If you are on vacation to England, try a visit to a ghost town in the city of York. Reportedly row of the list of spooky ghosts exist in this city. When entering the city of York, there will be a tour guide with a black cloak and hat Gregorian three angles are available to take you around. You will be invited to tour saw some creepy old building. The ghosts are said to be found is The Headless Earl, ghostwithout heads and ghosts The Gray Lady, a nun who cemented into walls alive.The tour is called the York Ghost Walk Experience promises you will see ghosts. "If you do not see the ghost, the ghost definitely see you!"Source:

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