Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Goa Gajah

Goa Gajah

Bali tourist attraction, not only known for dazzling dreamland beach, and watch the Kecak dance performance in Uluwatu temple. One of the other interesting sights of Bali, bustling tourist visit while on vacation in Bali is Goa Gajah in Ubud. This tourist attraction, almost every day crowded gets visits from tourists and many service providers Bali cheap tour, put this attraction in their tour schedule.

Goa Gajah


Goa Gajah Ubud - Bali Attractions the Worth the Visit

Goa Gajah Ubud is located west of the village Bedulu, Blahbatuh, and Gianyar. The distance is about 26 km from the city of Denpasar. The exact location is on the edge of a cliff and is a meeting of a small river in the village.

Allegedly said Goa Gajah derived from the word "Lwa Gajah ', which means the temple shrine Buddhist monk’s community. In the ejection Negarakertagama compiled by MPU Prapanca in 1365 AD, there is the name. While the word "Lwa" means river. Then summed into a hermitage located on the banks of the river.

From the parking area towards Goa Gajah Ubud, tourists had to descend the stairs to Goa Gajah Ubud. The place is surrounded by leafy green trees, so it was very cool and beautiful.

According to the officer who keeps these places, the trees are hundreds of years old. Complex Goa Gajah in Ubud as a whole can be seen from the stairs. Arriving at the bottom will be heard gurgling sound of water flowing from the fountain statue. Rocks the former building that was once destroyed by the earthquake, was also found around the shower. While Goa Gajah Ubud itself, located not far from the statue showers.

The entrance through the mouth of the cave is only enough for one person. There outwardly carving - carving and two statues guard. The inside of the cave T-shaped, with a height of approximately 2 meters and a width of 2 meters. The left and right of the hallway there is also a niche that may in antiquity is a place for meditation. But now tourists can sit or lie down there. At the west end of the hall there are statues of Ganesha and the east end of the hall there are 3 phallus.

 Goa Gajah Ubud

Goa Gajah Ubud Bali

Moreover around the cave, there is also a statue petirtaan with seven statues Widyadara-Widyadari who was holding the holy water. In total there are seven statues, which are symbolic of the seven rivers in India, the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism.

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