Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015

Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting

Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Indonesia Enchanting
 Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting
Want to visit the different tourist destinations? Come to the Edge tiles tourist area in Sukabumi. Edge tiles offers the beauty of South Sea beaches and waterfalls are natural and charming.You can even see the sights debris dock Dutch heritage whose history is not known by the local people.Edge tiles tourist destinations bring the homely atmosphere of local communities that the majority of fishermen.On each morning from 7 pm to 9 am, you can see a sort of kiosk on the beach is a place selling fish and other marine products are still fresh and the variety of the catch of the fishermen return from fishing.Marine products such as stingrays, squid cuttlefish, fish layur, and hammerhead sharks are hard to find in the city you can easily get at the fish stall Edge tiles and everything is in fresh condition and price negotiable.Fishing boats being pulled up on the beach Edge tilesFishing boats being pulled up on the beach Edge tiles via goresanpry.wordpress.comNot to be confused how to bring the results of the sea, there has been a swift merchants provide cribs from stereofoam a capacity of 6 kg to accommodate your groceries without compromising freshness.
There are a number of interesting places in the tourist area of ​​Edge tiles that you should know. Broadly speaking, divided into two areas most in demand among connoisseurs of the trip, the beach and waterfall (waterfall).Tourism Coastal Edge tilesEdge tiles in the beaches most popular are located in District Ciracap. Although included in the South Sea coast of Java's famous wavy watery clean and large, but most beaches in the End of tiles is not harmful as Pelabuhan Ratu tourist area that has many great choppy area.Charm of the sunset in the tile Ujung Batu Puter
Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting
In the state of the tide, sea waves in the tourist area of ​​tile Ujung only reached groin adults only. Meanwhile, when the low tide, it is only calf-leg. Here is a fascinating beaches in the End of tiles that you can visit.1. Seven Waves Beach
 Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting
Given the name Seven Waves Beach by foreign tourists, the waves on the beach is said to be able to reach seven levels therefore favored by fans of surfing.However, access to this beach location requires extra effort given perjalananya these challenging and requires you to pass through the forest as well as three shallow estuaries.Seven Waves beach Edge tiles in Sukabumi

Taxis are the only means of transport that can take you to the beach Waves seven different locations and are generally expensive to fix prices to Rp 200 thousand per motorcycle.2. Beach Cibuaya

 Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting
Most connoisseurs trip that went to the tourist area of ​​Edge tiles will definitely stop in Cibuaya Beach. Besides being easily reached, the beach is fairly quiet so fun to play seawater at the shoreline or just relax to enjoy the sunset.Playing and swimming in the beach CibuayaPlaying and swimming in the beach Cibuaya via imam-alfarisyi.blogspot.comIn around Cibuaya Beach is also easily found a place of cheap that you can choose.3. Beach Pangumbahan
 Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting
The beach is also popular with tourists on the Edge tiles. Not only because of the beautiful scenery with fine white sand that is charming in a radius of up to 1 km, but also because Pangumbahan Beach has waves as high as 2-3 meters is good enough to serve as a place to surf.Pangumbahan beach in Edge tiles

Another specialty of Pangumbahan Beach is the site of breeding green turtle (Chelonia mydas). At night, you can see the turtles lay their eggs directly on the beach Pangumbahan.If lucky, you can watch the activities of the release of hatchlings-hatchlings (baby turtles) to the beach.The release of children Turtle Beach Edge tiles PangumbahanThe release of children Turtle Beach Pangumbahan Edge tiles via nunoo.wordpress.comWaterfall (Waterfall) at Edge tilesNot only offers a charming tourist beaches, tourist destinations Edge tiles also offer you the charm of an unspoiled waterfalls. Some popular waterfall in Edge tiles, among them:

1. Curug CikasoCikaso waterfall is located a bit far from the beaches Edge Tile, precisely located in the District Surade. Arriving at the location, you'll be treated to views of three waterfalls are lined with a height of each 7 meters, 7.5 meters, and 6 meters.Curug Cikaso in Edge tiles

Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting

Not only looking at the waterfall, you can also swim and play in the pool of clear water below the waterfall. The water is quite deep, even when the dry season has a depth of up to 3 meters.But not to worry, available borrowing tire for those who want to play around in the pool of water with a rental rate of 1 dollar per tire.2. Curug LuhurCurug that one is somewhat less popular than Cikaso waterfall. This is due to the dry season, the waterfall also dry and do not drain the water.Although practically only presents a view of the river during the dry season, but if you go down, you will find spectacular views.Curug Luhur in Edge tiles
Travel Edge Tile, One Goal Recreation in Sukabumi Enchanting

Unfortunately if you miss this spot when you're doing your tour Edge tiles.Journey to the Edge tilesFor group buses or personal vehicles, routes to tourist sites Edge tiles starting from Sukabumi, then continue to follow the signs towards Cibadak. Arriving at the intersection, there will be a bridge Yellow. Follow the path until you find Highway Edge tiles. Road conditions classified as semi off-road, for which you should prepare conditions are prime vehicles to run smoothly to the location.If you travel by public transport, there are two routes that can be used as a reference. If you are from Jakarta, stop at Terminal Degung, Sukabumi. Then ride public transportation department Bhayangkara, then stop at the department store "Yogya". Meanwhile, if you are from Bandung, you better stop in front of the pharmacy "Kimia Farma", then walk about 200 m to the department store "Yogya".From department store "Yogya", you can go into the market Ciwangi by foot or rickshaw ride, then ride public transportation department Lembursitu Terminal. From the terminal, you can then choose public transport to go to the District Surade.

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